Monday, July 2, 2007

Do you know what the Statue of Liberty stands for? Do you know what is written on her plaque?
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"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"


Notice that she doesn't say, "I lift my lamp so you can jump over my walls and break my laws" There is a door, the proverbial "Golden Door," or a method for coming to America.

It recently came to my attention that there are groups out there, mostly liberal, who want the Statue of Liberty torn down because they have the audacity to claim, "It doesn't stand for what it used to." I give this correction.

The Statue of Liberty stands as a beacon of hope. A beacon leading the lost and the weary to a place of rest, but this place of rest is not without rules and laws. We, the people of the United States of America, have indeed created a way for these lost and abused souls to come to our land and enjoy our freedoms, but remember that Freedom isn't Free. We have spent the blood of our fearless, God fearing soldiers to keep this place free. So, if you want to share in the freedom that our service men have sacrificed so much to "purchase" for us, then by God, you better keep our rules.

There is a method established wherein foreigners are able to become a citizen of this great country. My father and his family did it in the 1950s. My aunt became a citizen last November. It is still working and it is still approved. We have not closed our borders to those who wish to come to this land and follow our rules to be come a citizen. We HAVE closed our borders to those who wish to cross without following the rules and who do not wish to come here legally.

My rant is this - This country is truly the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave." You are welcome to join us, but please do so by following our laws.

And this message needs to go out to all of our Liberal leaders: Freedom isn't Free. If you love this country, you'll Fight with us! Not bicker and complain that we are not doing anything. If you want the Illegal Aliens to stay and usurp our resources, you should be deported with them as you are obviously as guilty as they are.

One final thing: This country was established by religious, God fearing men and it is only by the grace of that God that we are able to keep this country free. So, if you are Muslim and call him Allah, Christian and call him Heavenly Father or any other religion, please pray to that Supreme Being who grants us this great freedom and the breath we breathe so that this country will remain free. It doesn't matter what name we call Him, He is there and He loves us.